Thanks to everyone who joined us at the Northeast Sports Card Expo in Stamford, Connecticut on September 14 & 15, 2024! View photos from the show below.Photography by Shawn Harding & Shawn Kreckie NCAA champ Kevin Freeman hands out free packs of cards to attendees Attendees at the show. Attendees at the show. Attendees at the show. 2× Super Bowl Champion Sean Landeta with his Super Bowl rings. UConn mascot Jonathan with attendees New York Giants alum and Super Bowl Champion Stephen Baker with the Sliders & Curveballs podcasters. Attendees at the show. UConn alum and 3x National Champ Maria Conlin hands out free packs of cards to young attendees. Attendees about to enter the show. A raffle prize winner with her prize. Attendees at the show. Attendees at the show. Bristol Blues baseball mascot Mojo with attendees. NY Rangers mascot NY Islanders Nyisles Host Colin Cosell interviews a young attendee. TGA provided card grading services. Former NY Rangers teammates Ron Greschner & Rick "Nifty" Middleton. The F.B.I wrestlers. Pikachu with a young attendee Actor Brett Azar with the Sliders & Curveballs podcasters. Attendees at the show BUY TICKETS TO UPCOMING SHOWS